Drew and I are officially HOMEOWNERS!! May 10th, 2022 Drew went over to what we thought was just another house showing. We had been house hunting for 6 months and put in multiple offers. We hadn’t won or been close to getting any of the houses we put offers in on because they were going for $60,000+ over asking price.
I already had so many things booked that I was unable to go look at the house. Drew took videos and I looked at those and after we decided to put an offer in.
Fast forward a couple days to May 13th, we found out that our offer had been accepted. You got that right…the one house I was unable to go look at we got! After 6 months of hunting, 16 showings, 5 offers we finally got our home!!
We signed the official papers on June 17th, 2022 and got the keys to the house June 24th, 2022. The night we got the keys we decided to make a date night out of it. We ordered pizza in and made a little photo shoot to remember our first date night in our first house.
We are so excited for this next journey and have already started all the house projects!! I will have to share some before and afters once it is all finished! But for now, here’s the photos from our first night in our new home!!